
Colostle - A Solo RPG

Created by Nich Angell

Discover a world of mountains, valleys, seas and cities, all within the colossal impossible structure of a castle's rooms and corridors

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production is under way!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, May 11, 2021 at 10:18:19 PM


I am very close now to hitting the final button on the final artwork for the books and sending them off to print! Just got some hefty proof-reading and rules-reading and spell-checking left to do and then we're good. Who knew a book like this would need so many semi-colons and I would miss them all!

The cards and journals are already in production with their respective printers and the Hardback book is built, and boy howdy is it a good looking book! I'm very proud of it! They should be going over to printers today or tomorrow and then we'll be in production!

Then I will be looking to the digital files and getting them finalised and ready (which shouldn't take long) so that I can get them out to you guys by the end of the month! Which means you'll all be able to start playing! Which is incredibly nerve-wracking for me, but also super exciting!

Thanks again guys, its all becoming real now and I'm super stoked for you to all have it!


In other news, I am involved in the creation of another game that is coming to Kickstarter very soon if you are interested. It's quite different from Colostle! This one is a very silly 2-6 player card game about making sandwiches with disgusting ingredients and watching out for health-inspectors! This is something I worked on a while ago (before Colostle) but is coming to Kickstarter on the 18th of May!

Bread Roles - An expansion for Sandwich Masters

The Kickstarter campaign is actually for an expansion to the game which makes it even more awesome, but you can get the base game as one of the rewards! I did all the artwork for it as well as being involved in designing the game!

As I said, quite different from Colostle, but a lot of fun! If you're interested you can sign up to be notified when the campaign launches via the 'Notify Me' page which is here:

It launches on the 18th May, so save the date, click the link and get ready for some epic sandwich sabotage!


Thanks again for all your support guys, more Colostle news very soon!

Nich x

almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 08:08:01 PM

Hey Roomlanders!

Just a quick one from me to remind everyone that the Surveys and Pre-orders will lock tomorrow which means you will no longer be able to tweak your order and add or remove any add-ons you want. This also means if you still haven't yet completed your survey, you will not be able to add anything to your base pledge when you come to do it.

With some final work this weekend, all of the work on the game will be complete and I will be sending everything off to production! I will then let you know exactly when you can expect to receive the digital rewards!

We're moving forward guys, very exciting times!

more from me very soon,


almost 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 02:36:03 PM

Hey Roomlanders!

I am looking to lock surveys and pre-orders on the 30th of April, so that I can begin production on the various elements. This means:

1. If you have already completed your survey but are considering maybe adding another add-on or two, now is the time to do it. You won't be able to add anything to your pledge once the surveys are locked.

2. If you HAVEN'T completed your survey yet, you need to before this date if you want to add any add-ons to your pledge. (If you complete your survey after the lock date I will still be able to send you your rewards from your base pledge.)


Rough timeline:

MAY - Production

END OF MAY - Addresses locked on surveys (you won't be able to edit your address after this point)

JUNE/JULY - Delivery

Please get in contact if you have lost your survey and need it resent and I will send it over to you.


In the meantime, here is a cross-section illustration of a Rook that will be going into the Hardback edition. I believe it was someone in the comments who suggested this image and I was so taken with the idea I had to draw it! Hopefully it will give you some more ideas for your adventure!

Average Rook Internal Structure

Also, someone else in the comments mentioned they would like to see more gameplay videos. Once I have some demo copies through of the finished books I will definitely do more of these for you!

Ok, thats it for now,


Nich x

almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 08:10:02 PM

Hey Roomlanders,

Quick update from me just to let you know that work is progressing nicely. All the rules are now written, and laid out in the book layouts. This means that all that is left is all the illustrations to fill in all the various gaps in the book layouts and the cards! I have a master list for all remaining illustrations and there are only 16 left todo! 

(Although one of those is the world map, which is a pretty significant one! Might take a good few hours that one! I have started it though!)

I am taking a week off work next week to devote to completing the majority of the work left on the books and cards, so we are actually quite close to being ready to sending artwork off to production! Which means...


95% of you have completed your surveys which is amazing, so thank you if you have. If you haven't, if you could look to getting to that in the next week or so that would be a big help. I am hoping to go to production by the end of this month, so any unfinished surveys could potentially delay that.

If you can't find your survey link, just let me know in a message and I'll resend it for you, no worries!

Awesome, thanks team! In other news:


I don't know if you all know but there is a Reddit page setup for Colostle over at r/Colostle if you are interested. I try to answer all questions that crop up there too and hope it can be something of a community once the game is in all your hands! So head over and join if you want to be ahead of the curve on that!

Right, thats all from me for now, will be back again for more updates soon!


Nich x

Response to previous update - and more artwork!!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 11:47:50 PM

Wow, what a response! Thanks so much for all your feedback guys! It really is awesome how I can chuck an idea out and hear back from so many of you on what you think, it really helps too so I super appreciate it.

There were a lot of different responses from everyone but quite a few common themes kept cropping up so I want to address those with some guarantees and promises from me.

Firstly, this was just an idea. I put it out to you all to see what you thought of it, and for you to give your feedback on. It is not something I am starting now, or intending to start anytime soon. I only brought it up this early so that I had plenty of time for various planning and feedback, if you liked the sound of it.

Secondly, I am 100% COMMITTED to this Kickstarter and completing these books. Heck, I’m 150% committed! My mind is not wandering onto new and other ideas. I am working nearly every day on these books and on making them the best they can be for you all, and nothing about that has changed or will change.

I might learn from this announcement to keep my creativity in check a little, as I think talking about future ideas worried some of you that I wasn’t fully committed to this project, so I’ll just focus on this project in these updates from now on.

Finally, if I do go ahead with a Patreon, here are a few promises/guarantees from me that should address some of the points people made in the comments:

1. I will not start planning or putting any more thought into future content until the books from this Kickstarter are in all of your hands.

2. I will not remove any content that was intended for these books and save it for the Patreon in the future. Everything I planned to be in these books will DEFINITELY be going into them, just as before.

3. Anything I did put out through a Patreon (if I did one) would indeed be collected as a physical printed book down the line and probably published via another Kickstarter.

4. Patrons would get a decent discount on these printed copies as they helped fund the creation of the content in them.

5. The Patreon would be affordable. Probably £2 a month maximum.

Those are my promises and I will stick to them. I still may not even do a Patreon, but if I did, those are guarantees.

I would hate anyone to think that I was asking for more money from you already awesomely generous people. That was not the intention here at all, and another reason I will keep these updates focused purely on this campaign now, until it is done.


SO, with that in mind, here is some artwork for one of the main classes, The Followed:

A typical 'Followed' with his Rookling companion

Text from the base rulebook: The Followed have a small Rook companion, like a pet or familiar that follows them and their commands. These ‘Rooklings’ are found in the cores of larger Rooks when beaten, as yet it is not known why they are there. They display a base level of sentience akin to that of a dog or a cat and can form deep and personal bonds with their human companions. The Followed, by their nature and thanks to their Rookling companions, are excellent rangers, pathfinders and navigators.


More from me soon!

Nich x