Discover a world of mountains, valleys, seas and cities, all within the colossal impossible structure of a castle's rooms and corridors
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Roomlander Journal - now available to buy!
about 3 years ago
– Thu, Jan 06, 2022 at 01:19:54 AM
Hey guys!
I'm super excited to announce that there is a new Journal available from the Colostle online store, for you to use to record your adventures in!
The Roomlander Journal - in all its glory!
Keep track of your legendary adventures throughout the Colostle in style, with this official journal, designed specifically for use with the Colostle Game system, now available to buy from the Colostle online store!
Each double-page-spread provides you with a useful layout to record a single encounter phase's adventuring with a section to record your various card draws for Exploration and Combat, a map section to make visual notes of the lay of the land, and a journal section to write up what your character did that day.
Roomlander Journal features:
- A4, 98 Page, spiral bound blank journal for recording your adventures
- Templated pages to connect specifically with the Colostle game system
- Recycled paper for that fantasy old-world feel!
- Unique cover design featuring artwork of the 4 character classes from the base game book
If you would like to order one, simply head to the Colostle store at
Take care out there Roomlander... see you soon!
Nich x
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! - and new Kickstarter coming in 2022!
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 10:22:16 PM
Thank you for an incredible year!
I launched Colostle, as a small Kickstarter for a little 24 page, paperback book in January of this year (as you know!) It was an idea I had for a world that I thought was cool and I was NOT expecting it to be the success it has turned out to be. I am over the moon happy with what Colostle has become and it is all thanks to your incredible support and belief in it, so thank you!
Colostle went from a little zine-like book, to a 64 page hardback book that is stocked in many shops around the UK and even made it onto Tabletop Gaming Magazine’s ‘Best Games of 2021’! What the heck?
All I ever wanted to do, since I was first starting out with my artwork, was to create worlds. And worlds are great but they’re even better when there are people living in them, bringing them to life with stories, dreams, ambitions, hopes and legends. All you players are adding people and life to the world of Colostle, it’s like an MMORPG but on paper, and it brings me so much joy. Thank you for building this world along with me…
(If you haven't already, check out the thriving Discord community, there's nearly a thousand of us on there now!
And thank you for supporting an independent creator. I’m not published, I don’t have millions of pounds of marketing behind me, I’m doing everything myself from creation and layout, to print sourcing and management, right the way through to fulfilment and delivery and your support and patience as made this possible.
Thanks to you and your support, Colostle has allowed me to go part time from my dayjob, which gives me more time to work on the things I love, things that I can share with you all, so its win-win really! If it continues like it has been going, maybe I will be able to go full-time with this in 2022, which would be a dream come true for me…
And speaking of 2022 and the future of Colostle I have a lot planned! Colostle is only going to grow and get better. The Patreon is going from strength to strength with the Patreon Roomlanders exploring the frontiers of the Known Roomlands, taking us all to new places and allowing me to show you more of this world I’ve built…
On top of that I have ideas for connecting merchandise, new cards, new games set in the same world and more instalments of the story ‘Rookstone Legacy’ (the first chapter of which is up on the Patreon now!)
Rookstone Legacy - Chapter 1
But perhaps the hugest piece of news is a new Kickstarter which will be going live in Mid-February (exact date to be announced very soon). This campaign will be for the next book in the Colostle series, adding new room types and gameplay to the game as well as a single player campaign to work through. It will be another hardback just like the core rulebook so make some space on your bookshelf, more Colostle is coming!
So, safe to say I am pretty excited. I have so much passion and ambition for Colostle and so many ideas and plans to keep it alive and exciting for you the players. It’s an absolute dream come true for this to be enjoyed by so many and I am so enjoying making the content and adding to the world.
Have an absolutely incredible Christmas and awesome new year and from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
ILLUSTRATED PLAYING CARD DECKS BACK IN STOCK + Southern Ireland postage and other news!
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 07:04:20 PM
Roomlanders! I have big news!
The illustrated decks of playing cards are back in stock at!
The playing cards are back in stock!
Head to to grab your set now! Loads of you have been asking me about these and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to bring them back! But they're here now so if you want to snap up a set, place your orders now! If I get a huge influx of orders all at once (which is likely!) there might be a slight delay in shipping them out, but I'll keep you informed if that happens.
Southern Ireland orders
To all backers from Southern Ireland, I am happy to announce your rewards are finally on their way to you. Should be with you next week all being well. If you get a chance, please let me know when your order arrives so that I know they have got there ok!
250 Patrons Goal means the Colostle story is beginning...
Incredibly we crossed 250 Patrons this week, which was the goal I set for when I would start sharing the story I am writing, set in the world of Colostle. So, I'm over the moon to announce the title of the story:
This story will tell the tale of Eshe and Mythri, two adventurers who get caught up in a quest that will eventually answer some of the biggest mysteries and questions about the Colostle itself! Get yourself over to the Patreon to be the first to read it!
Tabletop Gaming Magazine Review
Colostle was featured in the most recent issue of Tabletop Gaming Magazine in the UK! This is the second time it has appeared in these hallowed pages and this time its a full review! Its a great review by someone who clearly really gets the game, which is awesome! On top of that it gets a 'YES' to the question 'Should you play it?' which is how they rank their reviews! So, WOO!!! That has totally made my week!
So there we go, a big update with some exciting news! Hope you are all enjoying your adventures in the Colostle. New Patreon content is added every month with new places to discover and new rules to keep your games fresh and exciting, so why not check it out for just £2 a month! This month's module will be out this weekend!
Love to all, take care!
Nich x
ALL THE REWARDS ARE NOW DISPATCHED!! - (Southern Ireland postage issues)
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 12:56:21 AM
The final wave/batch of rewards has now left me and is on its way to you! If you are in the UK and are yet to receive your reward, expect it in the next few days. If you are outside the UK and haven't yet received your reward, it will probably be a few weeks more to wait, but ITS ON THE WAY! I PROMISE!!
If you haven't had anything in 3 weeks, drop me a line here or at [email protected] and I will get back to you ASAP.
I'm sorry this has taken longer than I initially said. I promised July and I ended up being out by a couple of months. This was due to doing it all myself. The work itself wasn't the problem, but instead the space I needed for all the packaged up orders! There was only so much space in my house and so I had to split all the rewards into waves or batches, and do a chunk at a time.
For future campaigns I will now have a better sense of how long it all takes and will be able to give a more accurate estimate.
All of that said, I'm really glad I chose to do it myself, instead of handing it off to a fulfilment company. I was able to really double check everything and make sure everything was going to the right place, packaged right, labelled right, etc. I have far more confidence in everything going smoothly because I have done it myself and will likely do that again - although I might hire some space next time and try and do it all in smaller time frame!
All in all, thank you so much for your patience and understanding while I manage the biggest campaign I have ever had to deal with, and thanks again to all of you making it so big.
Southern Ireland postage issues
I have had a few rewards sent back to me, all of which from Southern Ireland. When I called Royal Mail up to ask why, they told me there are some ongoing issues at the moment between Royal Mail and Southern Irish postal services that are preventing parcels from getting through, but Royal Mail don't know what is causing the problem and are trying to resolve it.
Until that is resolved, I will not be able to send any rewards to Southern Ireland backers i'm afraid. Royal Mail have said that they will alert me through my business account when they are able to connect with Southern Ireland again but it will likely mean a short wait for you guys i'm afraid.
As soon as this issue is resolved I will get your rewards out to you.
This is not the end...
With the rewards all sent out, it would be easy to see this as the end of the Colostle campaign, but in my eyes it is just beginning. The Patreon is flying, with new content every month that the patrons are really enjoying, I'm loving growing this world and adding new rules and new artwork every month! It's a dream come true.
On top of that, we're very close to the 250 patrons goal, at which point I will start the story that I have been planning/writing/illustrating set in the Colostle universe, which will tell you more about the greater mysteries of the world!
I will be bringing the cards back to the online store at soon, so you can order those if you missed out the first time. I'm also working on a new and improved journal to record your adventures in. With more art and world-theming, and a templated page structure to allow for some really beautiful pages to be written of your quest!
On top of that, I'm already thinking about where to go next. I have some really cool ideas on the horizon for new Colostle products and I can't wait to show them to you!
So, this is something of a milestone! Thanks again all of you. I will still be responding to comments, questions and direct messages here on Kickstarter for the foreseeable future, but you can also ask questions and talk with me directly on the Discord and via the form on
There's so much more to come... stay safe out in the Roomlands...
Nich x
Shipping Updates
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 01:05:01 AM
Hey Roomlanders,
I'm sorry shipping is taking a little longer than I hoped/thought/promised. I've seen a few of you in the comments, excitedly waiting each day for your reward and I feel really bad making you wait, I'm definitely going as fast as I can, I assure you.
If yours hasn't arrived yet, don't worry. It is most likely due to the fact that it hasn't gone out yet, rather than anything having gone wrong with postage.
As an alternative to waiting by your letterbox everyday for daily heartbreak(!), I will let you know via an update when I have sent out ALL REWARDS. Once you see that update you will know that it is time to start waiting and getting excited for your delivery. Until I send that update, just hold on for now! I'm really sorry, I wish I could give you more information.
My plan is to have everything sent out before the end of next week. I think its doable...
Once all the rewards are sent out, I suggest anyone outside the UK waits a couple more weeks for their reward to arrive. If you still haven't got it then, drop me a line on here and I will look into it straight away.
I have had a couple of backers get in contact to say that their package was damaged in some way on arrival, or hasn't arrived at all. In these cases I have responded to every single query and looked to solve the problem, so don't worry about that either. I am committed to everyone getting their rewards to the best of my power!
So, just a little longer Roomlanders, I promise its coming!
Thanks again for all your patience, you really are an amazing bunch of understanding backers and I really appreciate every one of you!