
Colostle - A Solo RPG

Created by Nich Angell

Discover a world of mountains, valleys, seas and cities, all within the colossal impossible structure of a castle's rooms and corridors

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 4 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 01:35:54 AM

Look at that foil shine!

The demo copies arrived from the printer today and they look amazing! I am SO happy with the finish, the feel of the matt-lamination and the shine and readability of the foil.

Point of order though; due to the stretch goals adding to the page count of the book, we are reaching the limit of what a saddle-stitch book can do and still look good. I can't upgrade to a perfect binding as that is too expensive per unit, SO I have two potential options and I wonder if you would let me know which you would prefer in the comments:

1. Spiral Binding - I know this is not typically the most beautiful of book-binding styles but it does have some advantages, the biggest one being it can sit open and flat, which for a rulebook you will be often consulting, is quite handy. Second, it would allow for many more pages than a saddle-stitch or perfect bind without exploding the cost per unit, so we could add more modules with relative ease!

2. Separate Books - I stay in saddle-stitch territory but I put all of the expansion modules into a second book with the exact same finish as the base book (matt lamination, foil cover, saddle stitched, 24pp). This gives the book a sort of 'series' feel and it also allows you to opt to not use the expansion modules on your first playthroughs and add their rules in later when you fancy it. This would also open the door to another full-colour cover illustration which is a bit exciting!

I must stress, these are stretch goals so whichever option I eventually choose to go for, there will be no additional cost to you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


New reward tier - There is now a new tier added to allow you to buy 2 copies of the print/physical addition so you can buy one for yourself and one as a gift for your friend! Or just have two for yourself! If you like the sound of this tier you can upgrade your pledge to this level by going to the top of the Colostle campaign page and clicking 'Manage Pledge' to switch it over!


We are nearly at 600 backers!! I can't believe it! If you are new here then thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am overjoyed that this has stretched so far, I love the thought I can add so much to this book for you all. We're not far from that Journal stretch goal now, so once we smash that I will announce the next one!

Thanks again to you all, you are all the best!

Talk soon,

Nich x

about 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 05:34:50 AM

Hey guys!

Just a quick one from me, as I want to try and announce the next stretch goal before we smash through it! We're already halfway there!

First up, Stretch Goal 3 - every physical pledge will receive a blank lined journal with a cover that is inkeeping with the Colostle setting, for you to record your adventures in! The tier that has 2 copies of the book will get two copies of the journal! I will show the artwork for the journal once it is complete, things are moving so fast I can't keep up!

Stretch Goal #4 will be Colostle - Cities! This will be the final additional module adding rules and artwork for living in the largest of settlements within the Colostle. These bustling centres of commerce and trade are where legendary Rook hunters sell their spoils from successful hunts, and hear of new quests. Although not adding a new class or Rook type, this module will add the most in terms of rules complexity, adding a quest and items structure to the game. As such there is quite a bit of work for me to do on this one, and so it might take a little longer than the other modules!

That said, i'm still aiming for the previously stated shipping date. I'll keep you updated if it looks as though I might not make it.

Thanks for all your feedback on the 2 books or spiral-bound conundrum, I will announce my decision in the next update, along with some new artwork!

Let's keep this crazy ball rolling! If you haven't yet, why not tell a friend who likes RPGs about the campaign? And also, check out my Instagram where I post most of my art, @nichangell, and chuck me a follow if you like what you see! Let me know you came from this campaign and we can have a chat there!

More from me soon!

Nich x

STRETCH GOAL #1 - Oceans
about 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 05:24:58 AM

Wow. Just wow. I am beyond blown away. Thank you everyone for getting behind this little project so wholeheartedly, I am humbled and SO excited! With this level of support, Colostle might have a chance to go from a little fun project, to something so much more... so thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart!

Before I get to stretch goals, the awesome Youtube channel 'Tabletops and Tentacles' did a little feature on Colostle and its ace! Definitely go give that channel some love because they are making some awesome videos and I am honoured to be among them! You can see the video here:

Tabletops and Tentacles preview Colostle!

So, stretch goals. I had wanted to launch these with some artwork behind them but since the campaign is moving so fast (which is rad) I wanted to get the news out now, so people know they are coming, and then the artwork for them can follow later.

Stretch Goal #1 - £2000 - Colostle Oceans - This is going to add a whole new chunk of pages to the base book everyone is receiving (8-12 new pages) detailing rules and encounters for sea and ocean exploration in the Colostle. This module/expansion will add a new full page piece of colour artwork to the book and a couple more black and white ones, rules for ocean exploration, rules for a new kind of ocean-based Rook, and a new class - The Mounted.

I am super excited to be able to add this. I had already started work on this and was expecting it to be an add-on module for a future Kickstarter, but since we're here I'm building it into the base book!

The next stretch goal (£3,000) will be another new module for adventure, but I'll tease you with that one when we get a bit closer! Its pretty special!

The stretch goal after that will be a specially themed Journal for you to write your adventures in, styled on the cover like it is from the world of Colostle, with quick reference tables in the inside covers and blank lined pages within. This goal is a little bigger/more complex as I will have to get it printed and posted of course, and will only be added onto the Physical book tier. I haven't decided on the goal level for this one yet but I will let you know as soon as I do.

I would LOVE to do a custom themed set of playing cards as the topmost goal but due to the number of backers I already have and the relatively small reward tier size I have, I might just not be able to get the maths to work. I might be able to do it by introducing a new third higher tier? What would people think about that? Let me know in the comments. Failing that, I could always do a second Kickstarter for the cards later in the year. It would certainly take a little longer to get out to you as I would have a LOT of new artwork to do!! But I'd be happy to do it!

So, thats it for now, hope that sounds good to you all, and I will be back soon with a preview of the new artwork for Colostle - Oceans!


Nich x

100% IN 4 HOURS!!!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 05:23:47 AM

Thank you all so much!! I know the goal was achievable for this campaign, but I'm still totally blown away that we have made it so quickly and have gone beyond! Thank you thank you thank you! Colostle is now definitely happening, the book is being made and will be in your hands!

So stretch goals... although I have some ideas (as mentioned in the campaign) I haven't yet done the maths on exactly when they will kick in, wasn't expecting to have to get that done so quickly! But now I will get on this ASAP and have another update over to you soon detailing the stretch goals and when they unlock!

I have ordered some advance printing samples  of the book which should be arriving this week. These are just for me to assess final print quality ahead of the actual print. I will share pics of those prints when I get them so you can get a sense for how the final thing will look!

In the meantime, kick back and bask in the knowledge that this thing is definitely coming thanks to you, and that I am incredibly humbled and grateful to you all.

You're the best!

Nich x