Discover a world of mountains, valleys, seas and cities, all within the colossal impossible structure of a castle's rooms and corridors
Latest Updates from Our Project:
General Update!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 04:41:42 PM
Sorry its been a bit quiet from me lately! This is only because everything is going so smoothly and I have nothing specific to report! That said, I do want to keep you all up to date with everything there is to know, so I thought I'd come on here with another state-of-play update.
First up, my house is full of boxes of these:
Paperbacks, Journals and Card Decks!
All the paperbacks, journals and decks of cards have arrived with me! And there's a lot of them!
I was going to use a fulfilment company to get these out to you all, but sadly none of the companies I talked to could reassure me they were a good fit for this job, so I will be handling fulfilment myself. If anything, I think this will end up better for you and for delivery in general as I can double check every shipment and be the first port of call for you guys if anything goes wrong.
Don't get me wrong, its a huge job and I'm having to pack parcels in my evenings and weekends between my day job hours but its the right decision.
Delivery is going happen in waves now, not all at once. I'm starting with all the orders that are JUST paperbacks, as I don't have the Hardbacks yet. The plan is, I will start shipping the first wave of paperbacks in a week or so. So for some of you, you will receive your rewards earlier than the estimated July. I am still on track for ALL deliveries to have left me before the end of July, and depending on where you are in the world, you should receive them before then too.
So basically, we're still on track, not long to wait now! But please bear with me as I am doing it myself and its not a small job!
In other news, the Discord and Reddit are thriving, and if you are playing your digital version why not go check out the greater Colostle community? There are some incredible stories up there, as well as some really cool art of people's characters and Rooklings! As the creator of the game, it totally blows me away to see people interacting with it and loving it as much as they are! I am honoured and humbled and just over the moon that this little idea has captured the imaginations of so many! Here's a fresh link for the Discord if you're interested in joining:
Finally, for those that missed the announcement, the Colostle Patreon is now live! Please sign up if you want to receive new encounter tables for new areas of the Colostle every month, along with new art, items, NPCs, and every now and then; EVENTS! I'm working on this month's content at the moment and it is gonna be special! Whole new things you'll never see coming, along with brand new ways to play and even tougher enemies! Plus, by signing up to the Patreon you're supporting me and the game and it allows me to make even more for you guys, so here's a personal heartfelt thank you to all of you that have signed up. Thank you. You are awesome!
Right! Thats enough from me, enjoy your adventures out in the Roomlands and I'll check in next once shipping has begun!
Nich x
almost 4 years ago
– Sun, May 30, 2021 at 01:23:41 AM
The game is out there in the world and the feedback has been amazing! Thank you for all your positivity, good vibes and enjoyment! And a few of you have posted some of your journals of your adventures and they are all without exception, EXCELLENT. I LOVE reading about what your characters are getting up to out there in the Roomlands and some of the ideas you guys are coming up with completely separate of my prompts are stunning. Really impressed. Thank you for really getting into this and making it such a fun community, you guys really are the best!
So, following on from that, Colostle now has a Discord server! The invite link is here:
Any and all players of Colostle are welcome so feel free to share this link around. It is a great place to discuss the game in general, suggest additions and expansions to me, post your stories and art and generally just hang out with a load of other Roomlanders! So please sign up! I will also be using it as a place to announce Colostle news and new content, along with these updates, my Instagram and the Reddit, so keep an eye out, more content is definitely coming!
The Colostle Patreon is now live! With the work on the base book complete and the digital version out in the world, I felt it was the right time to start thinking about the future of Colostle. This initial Kickstarter is by no means the end of my ideas on this, and if you'll have me, I'd love to bring you more world, more game and more art!
To that end, I thought a Patreon would be a great way for you to help and support me with the creation of this new material, and it will benefit you guys by getting new Colostle additions and art bits to your inbox every month! You can check out the Patreon page here:
I'm only asking for £2 a month, there's just the one tier and that gets you everything I'm offering, so its super simple. At the moment, everything I do on Colostle I do in my spare time, after work at my day job. Which makes it slow and tough. But with your support, that could change! So I hope you'll consider it, equally I totally understand if you can't afford it, these are challenging times for us all!
Finally, here's a pic of the freshly printed card deck which will be making its way to some of you when shipping starts. I'm supper happy with the quality and feel of these, they have come out so nice, the box is lovely too with a delightful matt-laminate finish! I have hundreds of these filling my house and the books haven't even arrived yet! This is going to be interesting!
Colostle Playing Cards deck
Thanks again for all your support and positive vibes, will check in again soon,
Nich x
DIGITAL PACK 2 & T&Cs for publishing your Colostle stories
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, May 26, 2021 at 05:14:17 AM
Hey Roomlanders!
Thanks for all the super positive comments on the digital download! Its so cool to hear about how excited you all are to play Colostle and I can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Thanks to everyone who sent in a typo that they spotted. I contacted the printer and awesomely I managed to catch him in time before going to print, so those typos will be amended for the Hardback Edition, so thats cool!
Second Digital Content Pack
You might have noticed that you all have a second digital content pack link email from Backerkit. This pack contains a couple more things that I missed from the first one (apologies!). A couple of you mentioned that you would like a single-page version of the digital file to aid with printing so that is in there (with fixed typos). I have also added the Journal cover as a JPG, so you can do with that whatever you would like.
Legendary Roomlander Mike Berg made a version of the print-and-play card deck where it's laid out to have 9 cards on a page and includes the card backs as well, which is a lot more convenient for printing. He also gave me the tip that he prints them out on regular paper, cuts them out and puts them in card sleeves, with a standard playing card in the middle for stiffness, which is a brilliant idea! So any of you guys thinking of making a PnP deck, that might be a good way to do it! Mike, you are a hero!
So, apologies to bombard with you a second digital pack, but I'm always listening to you guys and trying to make Colostle as good as it possibly can be for all of you, I didn't want to you to miss out on these extra bits.
Rules around publishing your Colostle stories
I've had a couple of messages from people asking about the legality of publishing their stories created within the Colostle system, and I realised this was something I hadn't touched on publicly so I wanted to lay out the rules as I see them. I will be adding these to the Colostle website as well for future reference.
I hold the registered trademark for 'Colostle' and all copyright for the writings in the book, the setting and all unique content that I created within all the products. The unique aspects to the game system itself are also patent pending.
This means that if you want to share your Colostle stories online for free anywhere this is fine as long as you credit me, the creator; 'Nich Angell', and 'Colostle', the system from which it was inspired. This will also help the game grow and more people become aware of it too, which will help support me and allow me to make more content for you in the future!
However, due to my copyright and trademarks you cannot sell any works you have created under the Colostle system, without removing any instances of the word 'Colostle' and any content that is in direct breach of the copyright I have on all content within the book.
I'm sure none of you were thinking about doing this anyway, as this is intended as a game rather than a vehicle to get you a book deal(!), but I think its good that this is made clear and written in black and white.
I hope you don't see this as an overly corporate or money-grabbing move on my part. It is simply intended as a way to protect what I have created, nothing more.
I can't wait for you all to start sharing your creations online and we can start to build a community driven archive of Colostle stories! That will be super exciting!
Ok, enough waffling from me, enjoy the digital editions and I'll be back in your updates soon!
DIGITAL CONTENT FILES - Now going out to backers!
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, May 26, 2021 at 05:11:07 AM
We're finally at the point where I can share the first Colostle rewards with you all! This is super nerve-wracking for me, but I'm also very excited. Its nerve-wracking because this thing started life as such a small project and thanks to all of you it has grown so much. It's my first venture into creating a solo RPG and I really hope it meets all of your expectations!
It represents my first step, and if you guys like it I have so many ideas for future settings, worlds and mechanics we can take this to, so this is something of a very exciting first step!
The Digital Content pack will be coming over via Backerkit's digital content distribution. You will receive an email with a link to download. The pack includes:
Digital version of the Complete Edition (Hardback) - which contains all content (+ some bonus artwork) from the 2 paperback books (Basebook and Expansions book)
World Map JPG - artwork of the 'Known Roomlands' world map for inspirations and ideas for settings of your adventures
Character Sheet - Not vital for play, but a print out of this will allow for a convenient way to keep track of your character during your adventure and adds to the fun!
Print and Play Playing Cards - This is the artwork file of the playing cards deck that was sent to the printer, complete with bleeds and cutting marks. For you to print and create your own deck.
I hope you enjoy Colostle, and I can't wait to hear about your adventures and what you get up to! If for whatever reason, your email/pack doesn't come through, drop me a message on Kickstarter and I will look into it for you.
Very soon I want to set up a way for people to submit their stories online to a Colostle Journal archive where others can read your adventures, so I will be working on that in the coming days.
Thanks again for all your support. I will as always keep you updated on the physical rewards so you will probably hear from me next regarding those,
take care Roomlanders, see you out in the Colostle!
Nich x
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, May 21, 2021 at 12:53:45 AM
Hey Roomlanders,
Hope you are all doing well. Sorry its been a little while since my last update, I've been going through some sad family stuff these last couple of weeks and it's distracted me a little, but I'm back and i'm focused on getting Colostle out to you as soon as possible.
Production has started on all elements but due to a very busy schedule for my Hardback printer/binder, the hardbacks won't be delivered to me until the week commencing 5th of July. Unfortunately this means everything else will be delayed by that date, as I have to send everything all together to the fulfilment company. This means the earliest you guys will probably be receiving your rewards is late July.
Although this is still within the timings estimate I have given you all, it is later than I hoped, so I'm sorry for that.
In an attempt to make up for that though, I would like to release the digital version to all backers this weekend! This means you will all have a version of Colostle (even if it is not the print edition quite yet) very soon! To do this I will need to charge your cards that you have pledged with on Backerkit for any add-ons, so this update is a warning that I will be charging your cards tomorrow.
Addresses will still not be locked until I have all the physical items ready to send out, so if you need to change your address you still have over a month to do that.
Hope that all sounds good to you all!
In other news, the Kickstarter for the other game I worked on, 'Bread Roles' an expansion for Sandwich Masters is now live! Although quite different to Colostle, it is a lot of very silly multiplayer fun making sandwiches, using disgusting 'evil' ingredients and watching out for the Health Inspectors!
I hope you will consider supporting the campaign, if you're looking for a short, easy to play, all-ages game of strategy and sabotage, to play between larger games on your game night then this is it!
I know it seems like a bit of a deviation from Colostle. I have so many more ideas for the future of Colostle and also for new and different adventures in the same vein so don't worry, there is more of that kind of stuff on the horizon!
But I also love creating games of all kinds and doing the artwork for them, and I always put the same passion and energy into everything I make. So you might see a few different kinds of games from me in the future if you follow along with my work!
Thanks again for all your support guys, next thing you'll hear from me will be about the Digital Version of Colostle! EXCITING!