Postage Tracking
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 04:06:31 AM
Hey Roomlanders,
Just a quick one from me; I've had a few people ask me about tracking for their packages both in comments and messages, so I figured I would put out an update on the subject so everyone knows where they stand.
There is not any tracking on your reward packages. As much as I would have liked to, there was a major point during the campaign when it was made clear to me that my postage rates were too high and I did a lot of research and work to bring those costs down as far as I could (which didn't end up being as far as I would have liked, but the world of international postage from the UK is a real mess right now!)
Part of achieving that was having to sacrifice things like tracking, which was an additional cost, so I opted to do away with it to bring down the overall price for you.I know tracking is very helpful for a lot of you to know when your parcels are arriving and so for that all I can do is apologise.
As for securing and guaranteeing your reward, I will reply to any and every message, query, issue or complaint you might have about your delivery/reward and will do my utmost to ensure you receive your reward if anything goes wrong, so don't worry about that. I have been doing that up until now, and will continue to do it until every backer has their reward, that is a promise and a guarantee. I hope that goes some way to allaying any fears you might have due to a lack of tracking information.
Thanks again for all of your patience and understanding, I am supremely confident you will all receive your rewards without issue, it won't be long now!
Nich x
Hardback shipping has begun...
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Aug 08, 2021 at 12:48:42 AM
Hey guys!
Just a quick one from me to say HARDBACK SHIPPING HAS BEGUN! Some of you will know this because you have received your hardbacks, others of you will know because of comments from those who have received their hardbacks, but NOW you have heard it from the Rook's mouth!
About half of them have gone out so far, and I'll hopefully get through the other half in the next week or so. Thanks for your patience and sticking with me, its a slow process doing them on my own but I'm nearly there now, and this way I can double check everything which is doing wonders for my anxiety!
I can't wait for you all to have your copies so that we can all play in the Roomlands!
Oh and 'Tabletop Gaming Magazine' and 'Shut Up and Sit Down' have both taken an interest in Colostle and I have sent them review copies so fingers crossed, it might get featured by one or both of them in the near future! Super exciting times!
Right, back to the packaging...
thanks Roomlanders,
Nich x
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 07:57:42 AM
Hey Roomlanders,
Just a quick one from me to say that the second monthly expansion module is now available via the Patreon for just £2 a month!
Without spoiling it, this module adds another new area to the game with unique game mechanics, and a big mystery, which if you can solve will hint at something massive about the truth of the world of the Colostle!
You can sign up to the Patreon here: where I will post new game content every month to add to your adventures with new artwork and new places to explore!
thanks guys, (right, back to packaging up the hardbacks!)
Nich x
New Discord Link and UK Games Expo
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 10:27:02 PM
Hey Roomlanders!
Another update from me so soon! Just wanted to shout out a couple of things!
Firstly, a new link to the Discord server where all sorts of Colostle chat is going on! Sharing art and journal entries, homebrew rules and you can ask me questions over there. There is even a unique area for Patrons to discuss the new expanded content!
I have tried to make this link never expire but I never seem to get this right. Hopefully it will work for a little while at least:
And secondly, Colostle will be at the UK Games Expo 30th July - 1st Aug at the NEC in Birmingham! So if you're a UK backer and you're headed to that show I would love it if you dropped by to say hi, and I could thank you in person! Would be ace to meet some of you if that is possible!
thanks all,
Nich x
Hardbacks and Patreon Content #2
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 09:36:17 AM
Hey Roomlanders,
Sorry its been a little while since you heard from me. Been head down working on stuff and thought I'd just check in to show you all that I'm still alive and still working hard on all things Colostle.
First up, Hardback orders. I am hard at work packaging these up at the moment which will take a little while. For the paperback orders I was able to book out some office space and spend a weekend blitzing them, but sadly that hasn't been possible for this wave of orders, which means I am doing it in my spare time where I can grab it, evenings, weekends etc. I am getting there and hope to be starting shipping in a couple of weeks.
In other news the second piece of Patreon content will be coming out this weekend if all goes to plan, so if you want to get in on that and last months new module then get yourself over to and sign up for just £2 a month! This next module again introduces a whole new area of the Colostle with new encounter tables and strange new things to discover, this time adding in a mystery to the mix too! What could it mean?
So, in short, still going strong and will have more news for you very soon,
thanks again guys,
Nich x